September to November 2024



Turned Kitchenware – $535.00

Wednesday evenings 6.00pm to 9.00pm.

9 Sessions 4/9, 11/9, 18/9, 25/9, 2/10, 9/10, 16/10, 23/10 & 30/10.

Intermediate Woodturning Course.


Goblets & Lidded Boxes – $475.00

Thursday evenings 6.00pm to 9.00pm.

8 Sessions 5/9, 12/9, 19/9, 26/9, 3/10, 10/10, 17/10 & 24/10.

Intermediate Woodturning Course.


Sharpening Woodworking Tools – $295.00

Saturday afternoons 1.00pm to 5.00pm.

4 Sessions  7/9, 14/9, 21/9 & 28/9.

Introductory Sharpening Course.


Portable Router – $535.00

Sunday afternoons 1.00pm to 1.00pm.

7 Sessions 8/9, 15/9, 22/9, 29/9, 20/10, 27/10 & 3/11.

Introductory Router Course.


Courses starting January 2025

Intro Spindle Turning – $490.00

Wednesday evenings 6.00pm to 9.00pm.

8 Sessions – 8/1, 15/1, 22/1, 29/1, 5/2, 12/2, 19/2 & 26/2.

Introductory Woodturning Course.


Intro Bowl Turning – $495.00

Thursday evenings 6.00pm to 9.00pm.

8 Sessions – 9/1, 16/1, 23/1, 30/1, 6/2, 13/2, 20/2 & 27/2.

Introductory Woodturning Course.

Basic Woodworking Joints  – $525.00

Saturday Afternoons 1.00pm to 5.00pm.

7 Sessions – 11/1, 18/1, 1/2, 8/2, 15/2, 22/2 & 1/3.

Introductory Woodworking Course.


Intro Coffee Table  – $595.00

Sunday Afternoons 1.00pm to 5.00pm.

8 Sessions – 2/2, 9/2, 16/2, 23/2, 1/3, 8/3, 15/3 & 22/3.

Introductory Woodworking Course.







If you would like to enroll or would like further information, please contact Rob McKee at –

Mob:  0419 735 926 or email rmckee@bigpond.net.au